Monday, March 30, 2015

Dog Day Afternoon

While Beijing has yet to attain the ‎kind of stifling oppressive heat this City is known for in the Summer months, it has nevertheless been warmer than during past visits this time of year; it has also been smoggy, to an extent that I've also not experienced previously. Air so polluted and laden with particulate matter, that you can feel it's grit with each and every breath. It's not just industrial pollution either; it's also automobiles; scooters, motorcycles; restaurants, belching their cooking process almost as if it were an olfactory billboard advertisement; and let's not forget people‎ themselves -- smoking; belching (and farting; and pissing and sh__) -- well, you get the idea; this place can get ripe when conditions are right...

And let's not forget our four-legged friends...

Stepping-out into this airborne miasma of auto-industrial-mammalian stink gumbo, I almost turned heel and dashed back up the four flights of my in-laws' Apartment Building stairwell to the somewhat more breathable environs of their humble abode; but by then, I was already winded and gasping from the initial adjustment to the outdoors, and might not have survived the climb; and besides, there was the quest...

And who should I encounter after traveling a short distance and entering the busy commerce avenue of Yinghuayuan Dongjie (i.e. Yinghuayuan Eastside‎ of Street), but this little fellow!

Harassed by a couple of older women with a cameraphone, to stop and pose for them, this Pug wouldn't mug‎; but Dog Whisperer that I am, he was somewhat more amenable to my lensing his stoic countenance.

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